Awareness • Education • Advocacy • Service
"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
The Social Justice & Transformation Commission works to bring opportunities for awareness and education in social justice issues to the St. John’s community to foster advocacy and service toward transformative change. We meet the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., currently via Zoom (except when we have an event). We welcome new members! To join the commission, offer an idea, or inquire about a social justice initiative, email Please note in the subject line the information in which you are interested (e.g., book discussion, volunteering)
Our focus for the 2022-2023 program year is Immigration and Refugees. A resource for books and films can be found here.
The Trail of Souls: A Journey Toward Truth and Transformation
Few in our national Episcopal Church are racist, but do we fully understand the continuing consequences of our forefathers’ attitudes toward and acceptance of slavery and subsequent unequal state and federal laws since slavery?
The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Episcopal Bishop of Maryland, was the special guest speaker at our 2021 Lenten Series, "Social Justice: Racial Reconciliation...Time for Healing." Bishop Sutton spoke about reconciliation and reparations, what that entails, and what it means for the Episcopal Church.
Do you understand how the National Episcopal Church is responding to inequalities bestowed on descendants of slaves? Read about the grants being offered to groups who are working directly with African -American descendants and their families.
Service Over Self: Howard County Reentry Program Backpack Project
It is our hope that items supplied in the Reentry Backpacks for the Howard County Dept. of Correction, might bridge some of the gap for basic needs until men and women released from incarceration are able to find some security in their housing, food, and clothing. There is always a great need for these backpacks. More information and items needed.
Social Justice Book Studies
Book discussions reflecting the current focus of the Commission are held throughout the program year. Book selections TBA in Parish Events as dates approach. During Covid isolation, these studies will be held via Zoom.
Voter Registration
During each election cycle we provide an opportunity and forms to register to vote or have a name or address change.