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‘for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’   Matthew 25:35-36 (NRSV)

The St. John’s Outreach Commission has numerous initiatives, both new and ongoing, which have always depended on the participation of many in the St. John’s community for their success. There are many opportunities to answer Christ's call to serve those in need beyond St. John's: our work extends from Howard County to Kenya, and includes a broad range of efforts, including food, property, education, and health care assistance. Won’t you join us?

The Outreach Commission meets every other month in person. View the Outreach calendar for dates. To join the commission, offer an outreach idea, or inquire about an initiative, email Outreach@stjohnsec.orgPlease note in the subject line the initiative in which you are interested (e.g., ReBuilding Together; Casseroles)


Casseroles Ministry: providing homemade casseroles for delivery to The Children’s Home in Catonsville, Grassroots Day Resource Center in Jessup, and Grassroots Shelter on Freetown Road in Columbia. Current recipes (with instructions for delivering casseroles to St. John's) are available by clicking the "Casseroles Schedule & Recipes" button above.

​​​​​Monthly Opportunities

On the 4th Wednesday of each month, members of St. John's serve meals to clients of the Grassroots Day Resource Center in Jessup. To participate in the serving or to donate food,
use the button at the top of this page.

Refugee Ministry

St. John's participates in a well-organized interfaith refugee ministry that also includes Christ Episcopal, Columbia Jewish Congregation, Patapsco Friends of Howard Co., Wesley Freedom United Methodist, and New Hope. The ministry currently assists 4 families in our community, each with a unique situation. Learn more about how you can help, both directly and indirectly.

Additional Outreach Partners


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